lunes, 26 de agosto de 2013

An earthquake in Tokyo!

3-2-1 On air!
Hi viewers! Here John Brockman informing about a catastrophe in Japan that shocked the whole world. A terrible earthquake with a magnitude of 5 in the Richter scale started really near the big city of Tokyo, a big agglomeration of people and one of the economics centres in the world. 
We don't know what kind of consequences can have this phenomenon in the city but without any doubt we think it will be disastrous. We think that the most damaged neighbourhood will be Ota because of his proximity to the seism, where live about of 600.000 of people.
Wait, I got a message.... Oh! They inform me that the people there is always ready for this kind of problems and they are all safe, except for a building where people of the lowers floors escaped but about of one hundred of persons couldn't escape and the structure of this old building is breaking, this can be fatal for these people!
Oh I have a reassuring message, Superman is now in Ota trying to help this people escape from the building!
Now we are connected with the cameras of Japanese's news reporters!
It seems that Superman is going floor by floor starting by the top, trying to don't break the structure of the edifice, he take three persons every time and he leave them in a secure building outside the neighbourhood. This couldn't be done without his powers of flying, super strength and his speed.
His efficiency is impressive; he already saved more than a half of the people in the higher floors! Just seeing him is exhausting, people!
Now he have to save the two last ones........ And he have them! Finally this nightmare is over, thanks Superman... but wait! There is another guy in a window of the building and Superman didn't even notice him!
Our dear hero is now coming back to check the area and now he see this guy and he is going to save him! He entered to the building by the roof and... Oooh no! The building fell down with Superman and this guy inside!! We only see a lot of rocks and walls falling in the air and a cloud of dust! Is this the end of the most knew and loved hero in the world?
Wait! I think I can see something in the cloud of dust... what is it? a bird? a plane?... No! Is Superman with the guy flying really fast to the nearest hospital, this guy must have breathed dust.
Ladies and Gentlemen, the problem is over! Again, as always Superman saved the day!
I think that I speak for everyone when I say Thanks to our hero!

This was John Brockman for channel 4, thanks and see you later.

Super-Dog destroys an old factory!

Spark, the Super-Dog

            Once upon a time there was a dog called spark. This dog wasn’t a pet like any other, he was special and her owner Stephanie knew it since the first day she saw him and adopted him: he had superpowers. Spark was like superman, he could fly and he had super strength, but he needed to dinner if he wanted to use his powers. That’s why Stephanie always had something to eat with her, if she was in troubles, and that was really common because she was a journalist that fight against mafia and she lived in a rough neighborhood. But anyway, Spark always saved her, until one night when the hero started a walk towards depression and sadness, and he never could return being the hero that once lived in Stephanie’s home.            Stephanie always was charming with Spark, but that night she was cold, she didn’t played with him and she forgot to bring food for dinner. Fortunately she always had something to eat for Spark, but anyway, her behaving was strange, she was concerned about something and she even went to bed without reading a fairytale to Spark, something that she had done during all his life. At midnight the worst happened, a strange man appeared in the house with some dogs, instantly Spark attacked them and when he finished the work he searched de man but he wasn’t there, Stephanie neither, and when he came back to ask the dogs they wasn’t there anymore. Something strange was happening and Spark would search below every stone to find Stephanie. But his search didn’t took to much, next night after a day of seeking on all the neighborhood he came back to Steph’s home, he was so concerned about her that he didn’t even noticed that the door wasn’t locked. When he went to the kitchen to eat something he couldn’t, this man appeared again but this time he had a strange stone that made Spark feel really sick, they discovered his weakness.            When he woke up he was in a strange place, like a factory, but really old. Then he heard some voices and Stephanie with the man appeared in the middle of darkness. When he called her owner she didn’t even look at him, she didn’t had the courage, then Spark started understanding what was happening.  She explained to him that this man wanted to take him and asked her for help and she couldn’t deny. Sparked was really struck by this declaration of the one who was his mother, his friend, his owner and he shouted to her: “And what thirty silver coins he gave you?” “He gave me a new house, a new life and a new job as a journalist, I know we where very good friends, but the life continue and I have dreams”-she said. Then she gave him his back and started walking away. Spark remembered that she always had something to eat for him and when the man and Stephanie was distracted he ran to them and took Stephanie’s purse, he founded a hamburger and he ate it really fast, then his powers came back. Stephanie and the man ran outside the building and he followed them to the street, when he was outside he destroyed the factory and disappear. He never saw Stephanie again.